Electronic Check Archiving
Prompt Archive

Value-Added Parameters
Prompt Archive displays a range of parameters for each check including the check number, date, amount, Bank of First Deposit (BFD), paying bank and more. Complete reports of all check details and images requested by the user can be directly provided in printable versions or exported into excel sheets.

Archiving Process
Prompt Archive operates by archiving old or infrequently used check information originally present in the check clearing system’s database. The archiving process takes place according to a user-defined archive schedule, which involves a number of date and time parameters.
Flexible Schedule
Prompt Archive operates utilizing a flexible schedule that is controlled through system configuration parameters to operate at low utilization periods such as overnight and weekends, this ensures it operates at high performance within normal and peak hours.

More features
Check Exchange Report
Prompt Archive provides a check exchange report of the bank’s inward and outward check flow. Bank users can easily retrieve the needed information via a powerful search engine where search results are rendered according to a pre-defined criterion by the user.
Storage Support
Prompt Archive supports archiving and maintenance on external storage devices such as Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS), while backups can be retained on the bank’s preferred offline or online media.
Legal Compliance
Complies with regulatory-enforced and local long-term archive requirements
Enhanced Efficiency
Decreases operational load off the Electronic Check Clearing system
Improved Process
Allows for check related inquiries to be handled in a prompt manner
Facilitated Storage
Provides permanent storage of business-critical check information at a lower cost
Secured Environment
Maintains a huge size of image files in a secure yet easily accessible environment
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